Roppongi Public Art Tour
In Roppingi, there are several large museums you can visit such as The National Art Center, Tokyo, The Mori Art Museum and the Suntory Museum of Art as well as smaller galleries. You may also come across art work and pieces in various establishments and facilities around Roppongi.
Also, if you take a look just outside Roppongi Hills or Tokyo Midtown, or if you walk around the streets of Roppongi or go into the parks, you can find pieces of art or design objects (public art) all around. Be sure to take the time to go and experience the wonderful works of art. |
Hills "Around Roppongi"
The area around Roppongi has many hills. Geographically, Roppongi is on elevated ground so if you go in any direction from the Roppongi crossing, you will go downhill. It sits on higher ground so that you can overlook the surrounding areas. In the old days, it was a Samurai residence, but recently embassies and other such buildings line the streets in the area. |